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News from the Year 5/6 IB Classroom
Year 5/6IB have had a wonderful start to the year.
We have been immersing ourselves into learning about the countries of SouthEast Asia and the celebration of Chinese New Year as well as learning how to Cybersafe.
The students from both Year 5/6 classes are also engaging themselves in “Be More”, for Project Compassion. They are busily making small items to sell to raise money for Caritas during Lent. We will have bookmarks, keyrings, pom poms and friendship bands and Loom band bracelets to sell with all money going to Caritas. We will have more information about this in the coming weeks.
Here are some photos of Year 5/6IB engaging with their learning.
Dear Parents
We were very excited to see how many parents came to our Parents and Friends meeting this week. We were so grateful for the support and the great ideas that were shared. During this meeting we had our AGM and all positions were filled. We thank the following people for accepting these positions:
New Office Bearers for 2021:
President: Fiona Peatey
Secretary: Rebecca Odlum
Treasurer: Renee Blandford
In the event that the above are unable to perform their duties:
Vice President: Kate Moroney
Assistant Secretary: Alison Aitken
Assistant Treasurer: Amanda Long
Our next meeting is Tuesday April 20 at 6.30pm in the staff room and we would love you to join us if you are available.
Our School Advisory Committee met recently and I thank all members for their generosity and commitment to our school.
We are so blessed to have such dedicated parents who give so generously of their time to support these school committees. If you would like to be a part of these committees, please just let us know.
Our Parent, Student, Teacher Learning Meetings went so well this week and all staff were grateful to our parents for attending and being active participants in their child’s learning and life at school. A huge thank you to our staff who put so much into their roles and gave so generously of their time either as the teachers running the meetings or staff looking after all students in the school while the meetings were taking place.
We have changed our Kiss and Go slightly, placing the children further towards the grass area so that they are lining up behind the bollards. The teachers and ESOs will be there to escort the children to their cars. This will ensure the safety of all children and less congestion where the cars pull up.
As we continue to journey through this season of Lent, we are reminded that it is our ability to care for, and give of ourselves to others that is our focus. While we may choose to deny ourselves of things during Lent, it is in selflessly reaching out to others with a generosity of spirit that we are living our faith. We are reminded that each one of us has the ability to make a difference – we just need to look for the opportunity.
I wish you all a blessed Lenten season.
Kind regards
Lisa Broeren
On Tuesday afternoon our Foundation students stayed back at school for our camps program.
The students made fruit kebabs and chocolate crackles, and shared these for afternoon tea.
Then the children particpated in team building games. Such a fun afternoon!
Easter Raffle & Project Compassion Fundraiser
Raffle tickets have already gone home to familes, please return them by Friday 26th March.
The Raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 30th March.
Thank you to our generous students & families for the Egg donations. This year we have a massive 76 prizes! We have 20 Major Prizes!
With this many prizes, families have a very good chance of winning, so make sure you get your tickets in. If you need more, let the office know.
A very big thank you to our amazing Craft Group who have bundled up all the prizes. They look fantastic!
Money raised from the Raffle will go towards supporting Caritas Australia. Caritas do amazing work around the wold empowering the poor to become self-sufficient.
Project Compassion Fundraiser
From Monday 22nd to Friday the 26th March the year 5/6 students will be selling bookmarks and bracelets for 50 cents to raise money for Project Compassion. We will also be selling keyrings for $1. Students can purchase these items from the year 5/6 rooms between 8:30-8:45am every morning.
Thank you for your support.
We are very proud of our school uniform and so impressed with the way the students wear their uniform with pride. A huge thank you to you, our parents, for the effort you go to with the uniform in order for your child to represent themselves and our school so well. Just a reminder that if your child’s hair is past their shoulders they need to wear it up please. Also a reminder that socks must be free of logos please.
The wearing of the uniform is more fluid than it used to be, with students able to wear the traditional summer or winter uniform whenever they feel it is suitable to meet their needs. As always, the sports uniform is only to be worn on sports days please. I am including the uniform list as it appears in the Parent handbook just for clarification. If you have any questions about the uniform please don’t hesitate to ask me.
Second Hand Uniforms:
We have a lovely opportunity to help each other through our uniform shop. If any parents have uniforms that they no longer require and you are happy to donate it to the school, we are able to put it into our uniform shop as part of our second hand sales. Every item is sold for $5.00 and the money raised through this is able to go to our Parents and Friends to be used to go towards purchasing resources for our school. This enables families to purchase items for $5.00 which can make a huge difference to some families. Thank you to those who donate for your continued generosity.
We are back after a long hibernation!
Who are we? We’re a group that meets in the School Hall every Tuesday from 9.00 am – 11.00am. Some of us worked in the School and others have/had children and/or grandchildren there.
What do we do? We raise money for the School be making goods for the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stall as well as having a stall at the School Fete. Donations of goods to help with these events are always welcome.
Please feel free to come along and see what we do and have a cuppa. New people are always most welcome and you don’t have to be skilled! If you would like to take materials home to make things we can arrange that too.
I look forward to a future catch up. God Bless, Fr Harry Dyer OMI (Mazenod College PO Box 286, Mulgrave. Vic. 3170.
Parish Bulletin
Lunch Orders
With the Athletics being next Friday 26th, we will have lunch orders on Thursday 25th instead. This means that orders will need to be in on Tuesday next week please, to give Heather enough time to organise, shop and cook.
Lavalla Catholic College - Open Evening Wednesday 31st March
Get Active Kids Voucher Program
The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and recreation activities by reimbursing the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms and equipment. Eligible children may be able to receive up to $200 each.
Please follow the link below to see if you qualify and to apply.
Monash Soccer Club - Junior competition
Moe Life Skills, High Street Community Hub
Out Door Family Movie Night
Newborough Yallourn United Soccer Club Junior Competion
Neborough Tennis club
“HOTSHOTS Tennis” - A program teaching children aged 4 – 12 the basics of the game.
“Let’s Play Tennis” - A program for children aged 12 and above. Groups available for those that have never played before and for those that want to improve on their current skills.
FREE ‘Come and Try’ Session - Call for times.
Free trial lesson available for all programs.
Free junior racquet and Hotshots t-shirt for new players
Glen: 0408762679, Sally: 0403282630
Moe Neighbourhood House
Drop Zone - Cummunity Program for ages 8-15
Parent Zone - Anglicare Victoria
Noah's Ark
Latrobe Early Years Newsletter
Kids Help Line Ph; 1800 55 1800