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This term the students in 3/4JA have been learning about the Seven Sacraments in Religious Education. Students have been focusing on what the true meaning is of each sacrament and making connections to these sacraments into their own lives. The students have been making lapbooks and dioramas. Let’s see what some of the students had to say.
Bambi “The sacrament of marriage to me is when two people who are in love with each other make a special commitment to each other”.
Jett and Cody “The sacrament of reconciliation is when people confess their sins so they can be closer to God or closure to the people that they have hurt”.
Hannah “The sacrament of Eucharist is when catholics receive the bread and wine which represents the body and blood of Jesus”.
Scarlette “The sacrament of confirmation is when someone receives the Holy Spirit for the first time”.
Dear Parents,
As the term draws to a close, I thank each of you for your patience, understanding and support during this term with all of its opportunities, challenges and experiences. We completed all of our sacraments, had camps, sports days, a very successful Fun Run and food drive, a Walk to School Day with a healthy breakfast, Mother’s Day celebrations and many incursions and excursions. Considering the restrictions, we have done an amazing amount of experiences, all while focusing on providing your children with the best learning we possibly can in a supportive, fun and engaging environment. I think we can all agree that this term has been a great success!
I am including in my letter to you the NCCD information from CECV. This is important information for our school community and represents the enormous amount of work our staff do to collect the information and respond to the needs of many of our students. This work could not have the impact it does if it was not for the dedication, resourcefulness and support of our Learning Adjustment Leader, Carrie Schembri, along with Julian Blackford, who together with me, form our Learning Adjustment Team. With the impressive commitment from our entire staff through tracking the students, collecting data, identifying needs and providing consistent, high quality support to our students, the work they put in enables us to provide the support that many of our students require to enable them to reach their potential and to thrive in our school community.
For those of you who are interested in the latest information from CECV regarding the NCCD data collection and funding, please read the information below.
I hope and pray that you all have a safe, happy and relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing you all next term.
Kind regards
Lisa Broeren
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) On School Students with Disability
What is the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data?
Schools must now complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) every year. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or “help” at school because of a disability. The NCCD helps governments plan for the needs of students with disability.
Who is counted in the data collection?
To count a student in the NCCD, schools must think through some key questions:
1. Is the student getting help at school so that they can take part in education on the same basis as other students?
2. Is the help given because of a disability? The word ‘disability’ comes from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and it can include many students.
3. Has the school talked to you or your child about the help that they provide?
4. Has the school kept records about the help they provide, the student needs and the reasons that the student needs this help? The school will need to keep copies of tests, student work, assessments, records of meetings, medical reports or other paperwork and information about how the student’s learning is moving along over time.
Once the school decides that the student should be counted in the NCCD, they then choose a disability group and one of four levels of help that has been given to the student.
What does the word ‘disability’ mean in the NCCD?
In the NCCD the word ‘disability’ comes from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). There are four types of disability that the school can choose from: sensory, cognitive, social-emotional and physical.
Many students that need help at school can be counted in the NCCD. For example, students with learning problems, e.g. specific learning disability or reading difficulty (sometimes called dyslexia), health problems (e.g. epilepsy or diabetes), physical disability (e.g. cerebral palsy), vision/hearing loss and social-emotional problems (e.g. selective mutism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, anxiety).
Letters from doctors or specialists can be very helpful for schools as they plan how to support students with their learning. Schools do not need to have these letters before they can count a
student in NCCD. Teachers can use all that they know about the student’s learning and the records that they have collected over time to decide if a student can be counted in the NCCD.
What sort of help does the school give students?
Students need different types of help at school. Some students need a little help sometimes while other students need a lot of help nearly all the time. The type of help given depends on the needs of the student. The help can include changes to the school buildings or grounds (e.g. ramps or things like special desks or chairs), extra teacher help in classes, special learning programs, changes to the work they give the student or extra adult help.
How will the NCCD be different this year?
All schools have been counting students in the NCCD since 2015. The government will use the NCCD data as part of the funding to schools.
What will the school need to know about my child for the NCCD?
Schools work together with families to understand the needs of each child. It is helpful if families give their child’s teacher a copy of any letters or reports they have. The letters or reports will help the school understand the child and the help that they might need. Letters from doctors, psychologists, speech pathologists, doctor, and occupational therapists etc. can be very helpful for schools. These reports along with information that the teacher has (i.e. school based tests, your child’s work and learning plans) helps the school to understand and meet your child’s needs.
What happens to the NCCD data? Who will have the NCCD information?
Each school principal must check the NCCD data in August of each year. The school will give the information to the Catholic Education Office. The school will work with the Catholic Education Office to make sure that the NCCD data is OK before they give the data to the government. The government will not be given the names of any students or any letters or records. Please ask your school for their privacy policy if you need to know more.
Does the school need me to agree with them about counting my child in the NCCD?
Amendments were made to the Australian Education Act 2013 and Australian Education Regulation 2013). Schools do not need you to agree to let them count a child in the NCCD. You cannot ask the school not to count your child.
This week the year 5/6 students headed off to Mill Valley Ranch for a 3 day camp. According to the students, it was the highlight of the year. The students participated in a range of activities including archery, horse riding, crate climbing, rogaining, switch, cowboy chapel and a commando course. According to Emily in Year 6, the activities "were a lot of fun and the Mill Valley ranch staff were really encouraging." Despite the bus breaking down on the way home, the students had an incredible time and left the camp with some great memories.
Get Active Victoria
The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and recreation activities by reimbursing the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms and equipment. Eligible children may be able to receive up to $200 each.
If you have a child due to start school next year, please contact the office for an Enrolment Application, so we can reserve a place for your child in Foundation 2022. Enrolments close 25th June.
Kinder Enrolments - close 30th June
Uniform Shop
To place orders online please click the link below. Our shop will be open Friday 3.00pm to 3.30pm
Parish Newsletter
Moe Neighbourhood House
Latrobe City School Holiday Program
KIDDO Gippsland School Holiday Sessions
Lowanna College Sports Academy
Kids Help Line Ph; 1800 55 1800
- Friday 25th - Last Day Term 2, 1.00pm finish
- Monday 12th - First Day Term 3
- Monday 19th - School Closure, Staff Professional Development
- 5th to 6th - Year 3/4 Camp to Mill Valley Ranch
- Monday 9th - Mary Mackillop Mass 9.00am
- Thursday 12th - School Advisory Board Meeting 7.00pm
- Monday 16th - School Closure, Staff Professional Development
- Tuesday 17th - District Athletics
- Tuesday 31st - Division Athletics
- Friday 3rd - Father's Day Prayer Gathering 9.00am
- Thursday 9th - School Advisory Board Meeting 7.00pm
- Friday 10th - Multicultural Day
- Friday 17th - Last day Term 3
- Monday 4th - First Day Term 4
- Tuesday 12th - Regional Athletics
- Thursday 14th - School Advisory Board Meeting
- Friday 15th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Friday 22nd - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Friday 29th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Monday 1st - School Closure, Staff First Aid Training
- Tuesday 2nd - School Closure, Melbourne Cup Day
- Friday 5th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Friday 12th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Thursday 18th - School Concert (to be confirmed)
- Friday 19th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Wednesday 24th - School Advisory Board Meeting
- Friday 26th Swimming Program, F to 2
- Tuesday 30th - OWELS (Open Water Experience) Inverloch, year 5/6
- Friday 10th - Whole School Swimming Carnival
- Monday 13th - End of Year Mass 9.00am
- Tuesday 14th - Year 6 Graduation
- Wednesday 15th - Student's last day