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As we have found ourselves in the remote learning space again, may I say thank you for your patience and support that you are giving your children while we they are learning from home. The students have been extraordinary in their engagement with the online learning and are quite proactive in joining in our daily Google Meet sessions.
Prior to online learning, this term, the students were immersing themselves into poetry writing, experimenting with acrostic poems, alliteration, rhyming couplets, cinquains, free verse and haikus. We have also been extending our knowledge of figurative language. Below is some of the work that they have produced.
The students have also been participating in the Bocce program. This has enabled our students to not only learn a new sport but also give them the opportunity to have conversations in Italian with the members of the Bocce Club. An experience in which the students have expressed much eagerness and enthusiasm. Thankyou to Mrs Manuele and Ms Gelagotis for the time they have put in to make this happen. I hope you enjoy reading some of our poems and delight in some of the photos taken at Bocce.
Mrs Bramstedt & Year 5/6IB
By Indee
Cold, chilly
Hailing, snowing, raining,
Coldness is freezing my brain up,
By Joshua A
The green grass is like cabbage
in fields with broccoli.
Green is lime snakes climbing
up trees to get parrot eggs.
Green is forests with trees
and lush plants.
by Jack D
Green grass flows with the
wind as limes fall from trees.
Kermit the Frog dances in the thick long green
grass next to a green parrot's nest.
Green is like the green leaves
on the palm trees.
Green cordial drips down my face as I lie
under the green palm trees shading my face.
My Paradise
By Nicholas
I listen to the silence of grasshoppers
and crickets jump all around.
I look out at the springtime plants and
flowers that lay in the meadow.
Little lizards scatter about the
lime coloured fields,
while birds fly chirping in the clear, sunny sky.
Bottle green grass blows in the wind, as
sage coloured apples and pears grow on
the dark green leaved trees in the orchid.
Grapes nearby grow wild on a field right on the
outskirts of the place I call paradise.
The sunsets in the warm, red, orange
coloured sky, bringing the day to an end.
Dear Parents,
As I write this, I have just finished reading emails from some of you and have spoken with many of you as you have come to pick up learning packs and chromebooks. It is so heartwarming to hear your lovely feedback about the support you are receiving from our staff. In turn, I thank you so much on behalf of both myself and our staff for the way you are engaging in yet another change to how we are providing support and learning for your child. We are very aware of the challenges this is providing for our families and we want to remind you that we are always here for you in any way we can be.
Please look after yourselves and put the wellbeing of yourselves and your children as your priority. We know the importance a calm, happy environment has on each one of us and we change our learning environment at school to meet the needs of each child. I ask you to do the same for yourselves and your children at home. If today isn't working for learning, learn through play - go outside and breathe in the fresh air that smells of the coming of Spring.
Take the time this weekend to recharge - whatever that may look like in your life, with your family, and know that we will always be here to support you and encourage your children to simply bring to this time what they are capable of.
Thank you again to each one of you for what you bring to our school community and, while being a community is challenging when we are apart, we will all do the best we can and look forward to the excitement and buzz of school life when we are able to be back together again.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Look after yourselves and each other.
Kind regards,
Lisa Broeren
School Fees
Any family who is experiencing financial hardship due the the COVID-19 pandemic is encouraged to contact the office and make a confidential application for fee relief.
Gippsland Tennis Coaching
Uniform Shop
To place orders online please click the link below.
Parish Newsletter
The Premier has announced a state wide lockdown which suspends public Masses. However we will livestream a Mass from St Kieran’s this Sunday at 11am. To participate in the Mass search for our Facebook Page Parishes in Partnership Moe and Newborough. Please spread the word about the Mass.
Fr Nadeem and I keep you in our prayers.
Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate
Fr Daniel omi
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Virtual Weekend 10-12 September
Anglicare - Parentzone
Berry Street Saver Plus
Latrobe City
Latrobe City Youth Council are excited to share the new additions to the Fab Food Marvellous Mood Project. The characters aim to create visual cues linking healthy eating and positive mental health
Kids Help Line Ph; 1800 55 1800
Please note the following calendar items are all subject to the current Statewide Lockdown and need to be confirmed.
- Friday 17th - Last day Term 3
- Monday 4th - First Day Term 4
- Tuesday 12th - Regional Athletics
- Thursday 14th - School Advisory Board Meeting
- Friday 15th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Friday 22nd - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Friday 29th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Monday 1st - School Closure, Staff First Aid Training
- Tuesday 2nd - School Closure, Melbourne Cup Day
- Friday 5th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Friday 12th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Thursday 18th - School Concert (to be confirmed)
- Friday 19th - Swimming Program, F to 2
- Wednesday 24th - School Advisory Board Meeting
- Friday 26th Swimming Program, F to 2
- Tuesday 30th - OWELS (Open Water Experience) Inverloch, year 5/6
- Friday 10th - Whole School Swimming Carnival
- Monday 13th - End of Year Mass 9.00am
- Tuesday 14th - Year 6 Graduation
- Wednesday 15th - Student's last day